The Future Of NFT’s Is On-Chain

On-chain versus off-chain. What does this mean and why should I care?

2 min readDec 1, 2022

When most NFT’s are created they are pinned to a url that points to where the metadata and image is located. This url is what connects the image and all the relevant information about your NFT (traits, descriptions, and more). The scary thing is that if this URI is ever broken or taken offline, then the underlying information and image would cease to exist. Kaput. Nothing. This is problematic and brings into question how secure are these NFT’s and what happens if the these links go offline?

These is a serious issue and the truth is it can be solved by creating NFT’s on-chain.

*OnChainPeople enters chat*

OnChainPeople is 100% on-chain and secure. As long as the Ethereum blockchain exists, so do our people. All 112 traits are uploaded to the contract securely, at the time of mint the traits are rolled to select a unique combination of traits based on rarity percentages and creates an NFT just for you. The uploaded SVG image data is compiled on the blockchain and displays the image and all metadata associated with your token. Forever on-chain and immutable.

BUT what is OnChainPeople?!

OnchainPeople is a unique and diverse collection of 2540 People. Well actually 1906 Humans, 398 Zombies, 200 Bionics, and 30 Golden Humans. Along with 14 different animated traits and 7 unique 1 of 1’s inspired by some of our favorite fictional people.

We’re a founding team of two artists dedicated to creating dope pixel art and providing unique collections to holders. The OnChainPeople community is tied to the genesis collection of 1BITS. Together they’re building a community focused on Web3 standards and diversity for people, 1 BIT at a time.

Currently OnChainPeople is on an Allowlist Mint only but are actively adding additional people and communities to the list. We want to be a tight-knit community that’s committed to growing organically and with holders who are here to hodl. The future is bright with the right people on your side, if you’d like to be added to our allowlist you can sign up on our HeyMint page here:

We hope you join our people and become part of the community. LETS GOO!!!







Pixels and Music. All things Web3. Making audiovisual NFTs and doing @ThePXCC