Medium Article To Pump Floor

3 min readNov 7, 2022


What’s up you degenerates, I guess this is the medium article I write to get my floor pamping harder than it’s ever pumped in it’s life. Shit, even harder than I’ve ever pamped in my life. Well alright then, lets get down to it -

What the fuck is a PXCC? It’s short for Pixel Costume Club. Or PXC Club. Or PX Club. Or honestly, whatever you can come up with. The point is there are pixels, there are characters, and then there’s the drip and special items. These are some of my personal favorite traits in the collection. We’re also 100% on-chain. We can talk more about that later and what it means, but first let’s get into how the PXCC came about.

The Creation Of Pixels

In the beginning was the alright not gonna do the whole story time shit with you kiddos. I hope, and think, it’s painfully obvious that this collection is almost like the derivative collection of all derivative collections. This collection is inspired by my some of my favorite NFT’s and culturally influential collections such as doodles, cool cats, and blitmap to name a few. Over all this collection can be seen as a homage and love letter to the NFT community.

Ahh and there’s that fuckin word, ‘community’. Along with ‘utility’, these two words have been both the calling cards of many great projects and also the downfall. That’s why the PXC Club is committed to building a community AND could care less if you’re a part of it because we are lovers of culture, Not beggars of attention. If you’re a PXCC holder it’s probably because you’re a degenerate and you see the value in the art being fire and valid enough for you form the opinion that this collection slaps.

Now if that’s not starting to hit home for you and convince you to hold or buy into the PXCC then I guess I got to get creative. Phase 2 for you weirdos that need me to be working at this like a full time job. To you assholes the words are 1. Metaverse. 2. Integration. That’s it you fucks. That’s all I’m saying. Okay fine, and a full body collection may be happening. BUT THAT’S IT.

On-Chain, CC0, Historical Significance

From CryptoPunks to Nouns some of the most historical NFT’s are the ones stored on-chain. This means that the actual layers and SVG image data, along with all the metadata, is stored in the contract and uploaded to the blockchain. Unlike most projects that use an IPFS link/URI to display the image of your token, with the PXCC the image is coming directly from the blockchain. Minted. Forever immutable.

We are also CC0, taking advantage of new type of creative license giving anyone the power to take the PXCC and transform it.

The combination of the PXCC being on-chain, artistically fire, and a culturally relevant NFT collection means that it’s not IF we moon, but WEN do we moon?

In the mean time come tograb a PXCC on secondary and join us on Twitter or Discord.




Pixels and Music. All things Web3. Making audiovisual NFTs and doing @ThePXCC